Saturday, October 23, 2010

I have been a terrible blogger lately! Honestly, I have a hard time finding enough extra time in my days to exercise and do my bible study, so by the time i'm done with all that i would rather sleep than blog! So tonight i have some extra time because Scott is hunting with my dad, and for some odd reason i'm not ready to crash yet.
So this was a pretty good week for me. My grandma was in town and it's always great to see her. I love to see how excited she gets about seeing Addy, she is so proud of all her great grandbabies.
I have been going to my parents house alot during the week because my mom has been home, and it alllows me to get my p90x done for the day! I am sooooo thankful that we live so close to one another, it's so nice to just get a change on scenary sometimes.
For some reason i am feeling very compelled to discuss what happened to me at the grocery store yesterday, so here it goes. HEB had pregnancy tests on sale for a dollar so i decided to buy a few of them, (no ladies and gentlemen we are NOT trying again yet) but you never know when you'll need one so i took advantage. So i get to the register and what does the checker say???? He holds up the box and says....."Well, if you are then congratulations, but if not then hey, it was meant to be" !!!!!!!!!!!!! I think my jaw might have dropped for a minute before i replied with " umm you should probably NEVER say that again to any woman. EVER.) I wasn't really mad, but i couldnt help thinking that he should never have said that. What if i was single and really didnt want to be pregnant, or what if i was trying desperatly to have a baby and i couldnt? I mean wow, he really put his foot in his mouth. Am i crazy that this bothered me so much? I don't think so.....
Anyway, I am sooooooooo excited about this coming weekend. We are making a girls trip to shop in Canton! Scott's mom is going to watch Addy while i get some much needed girl time with my bahdee Rian, and my sister, and aunts, and mom, ect ect. I cant wait!
Well, thats all for now... it didnt take long for me to get sleepy!

Friday, October 15, 2010

So i have been a bad blogger lately, but i haven't had alot of extra time, and to be honest if i do have extra time i would rather sleep these days! Addy has changed alot in the last month. One of the things i have noticed is that she is starting to get upset if someone isnt keeping her company. SPOILED!!! :) Like when we go out to eat or something he used to just chill, but not anymore! Don't get me wrong, i love to see her smile when i give her attention, but its hard to get anything done these days.

Anyway, we have been doing alot the past couple weeks. We celebrated Gabrielle's 9th bday, and Karters 3rd bday and also went out with friends to celebrate one of their bdays! Our weekends seem like they have been packed full of fun stuff, but i'm looking forward to a relaxed weekend with my family now :).

Here are some pictures of the past couple weeks!

Aunt Jenna with Addy

Ha! This is Karter being......well some sort of super hero that washes dishes i suppose.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ahhhhhh memories.....

So today when I had some time while Addy was sleeping i went through my pictures on my computer. I browsed through some pictures of my honeymoon, and i have decided i desperatly need/want to go on another vacation. I know i know, your saying "well dont we all"? Yes, of course, but i have decided that after the year crazy year ive had and workoing out so much to get my figure back, i think i have earned it. I'm not saying we would have to go any place that cool, def. not as cool as Maui was, but somewhere fun and relaxing! Any ideas? Oh an keep in mind, we have zero money to take a vacation right now with a new baby and all, so i'm thinking wayyyyyyyy in advance here :).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fall time!!!

Ok so this is the topic for my blogging group this week. This is by far my favorite time of year, one reason is because this is honey crisp apple season, and i'm a little obsessed with them. But if you know me, then you probably already knew that! So i took a little time today, and put up a few decorations for the season!

Yes, i know what you're thinking.....Julie, this looks weak. But i'm a mom with a young baby that needs my constant attention and i'm on a budget. So its not alot, but cute!!! I also have some other decorations inside, but i forgot to take pictures!

I'm also pretty amazed at how well our new mexican heather plants did this year, since i ont have much of a green thumb. We will have to start trimming those crazy plants!

Ok well this blog is getting cut short. A baby crying in my lap makes it a little hard!