Monday, September 27, 2010

10 things I'm thankful for...

One of my friends started a blogging group and I decided to join and this is one of the topics to write on, so here it goes! First of all, i have way more than ten things I'm thankful for, so we can call these my top ten at the moment :)

1. My growing relationship with God, and knowing that he loves me no matter what.

2. My wonderful family. By family i mean everyone...Mom and Dad, my sister and brother in law and their sweet boys, my grandma, all my aunts and uncles ect ect ect!! They have all made an impact in my life and have helped shape me into the person i am today. I love you all!

3. My Amazing husband. I have had the pleasure of watching him grow as a man in so many business, in health, and most importantly his relationship with his family and the Lord. He is the love of my life, and he totally complete's me.

4. I am soooo thankful that God gave me a healthy little girl. That is the number one thing that i prayed for constantly when i wa pregnant....for a healthy baby. She is so precious and is growing like crazy, so i try to savor every moment i can :)

5. My In-laws. Scott's parents Steve and Jonette are so precious to me. They have done so much for us, and love me like i am one of their own. I am so very thankful that i have a mother in law that i can feel so comfortable with, she really is like another mother to me! I love to watch them with their grandbabies (Gabrielle and Addison) they are so proud of those girls!

6. My relationship with my mother and sister. In earlier years i didnt feel as close to my mom and sister because there wasn't much common ground. In the past year i have learned so much from each of them about being a good wife and mother. I honestly would go crazy if went more than two days without talking to my mom now haha!

7. My beautiful step daughter Gabrielle. She is the sweetest little girl i have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I am so lucky and thankful that she accepted me with open arms and with no judgement what so ever. She always puts me in a good mood with the silly things she says and does, that little diva!

8. Of course, my awesome friends! They are always there for me when i need them. I really wish some of them lived closer to me!!

9. My home. I feel comfortable here, and I have made it my own. I take pride in all the hard work i do here!!

10. In general, i am thankful that God has provided for us. This has been a crazy year, and he knows we have been through alot of changes. It's nice to know that when we feel like we can't handle it all, we have a shoulder to lean on!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

So this weekend was so great for me! I finally got my hair re-done with my usual highlights and low lights which made me feel a little more like my old self. I just wish i could do my own hair instead of paying so much to get it done, ugh! I also went grocery shopping on friday night with my Mom and discovered that my favorite fruit is back in season! I know its totally lame for me to get so excited about fruit, but if you haven't tried a honey crisp apple you seriously need to!

This weekend was my parents 35th anniversary, so proud of you Mom and Dad! Thirty five years is such an accomplishment these days with a 50% divorce rate(makes me so sad). They celebrated by spending the weekend at the JW Marriot, and they even let me use their room key to spend some quality time at the pool! Scott was watching the Texas game, so he stayed home with Addy so i could relax and just lay by the pool. I forgot how nice it was to lay in the sun and just relax! Although i started to really miss Addy while i was there so i came home and she gave me the biggest smile i have ever seen :) Hopefully my parents pool will be done this week so me and Addy can hang by the pool together, well she can hang out in the shade next to me atleast.

Well thats all for now, hopefully i'll have some new pictures of Addy on the blog this week!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Working out with Mommy!

So today i tried doing my P90X while Addy was awake. She actually let me do most of my workout until the last 15 minutes! After P90X we went for a 45 min walk/jog which is her favorite thing to do.....since she gets to sleep while mommy does all the hard work :). Then we came home and did Ab Ripper, and she let me do all of that video, even though i was wishing she would cry so i could take a break haha! But all in all we had a great morning.
On another note, i loved my bible study homework this morning. I wanted to share a piece of it that really stuck out to me.
"God created us to need something or someone else. sooner or later, any healthy individual discovers that autonomy doesn't cut it. Once we confront our need for someone or somthing beyond ourselves, we will subsist on the alms of others if we don't discover Christ. Like beggers we go from person to person with our empty cup, crying, "can't you add anything to my life?" They might throw in a coin or two. In fact, a few may be weekly...and probably weary...tithers. But when we shake the cup, the tinny echo reminds us how empty we remain. Until we allow Jesus to fill our cups daily, we simply subsist. The good news Christ may want to preach to you today is that you don't have to subsist. You were meant to thrive" By Beth Moore.
Take from that what you will, i know that it made a light bulb light up sooo bright for me this morning. I am learning so much each day about having a better relationship with the Lord. He is one of the things that is helping me push through all these difficult days of working out when i don't see immediate results! :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Trying new things!

Ok so this weekend i officially became a Beauti Control Consultant! I have never tried anything like this before, and to be honest i'm a little nervous. However, I loved the idea of being able to be my own boss and work as much or as little as i want! If you haven't heard of Beauti Control, its sort of similar to Mary Kay.....they have a GREAT skincare line and they are really famous for their "instant face lift". I am looking forward to having my first "spa party" soon, so let me know if you would like to come and relax while getting pampered!

On another note, miss Addison i s learning to hold her head up! I have been making her sit on the boppy belly down, and she is finally starting to enjoy it!

She is also learning how to make some new noises and she looooovess to "talk" in the morning and right before bath time. She is starting to smile much more now, which really makes it easier to be at home all day long. I must say in the beginning when she was so little and not doing much it was sooo hard when she didnt smile back at me, but now i get reawrded for all my hard work with the sweetest smile in the world :)

Another new thing in my life at the moment is my bible study, and I look forward to it every week! It is so amazing how different my day is if i get to do my bible study homework in the morning. I never realized how much my relationship with God was lacking until recently. Yes we go to church every sunday, and i used to feel like that was enough for me....but i was soooo wrong. I have learned so much about Jesus and his life in the last few weeks of study and i am desperate to learn more everyday now. If you haven't ever done a Beth Moore bible study, i strongly encourage you to find one to join. It is so amazing how in depth everything is and how much there is to learn from each verse of the bible that you might miss by reading it on your own.

Well thats all for now, Addy's nap on my lap is over!

More blogging to come!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My First Blog!

Ok everyone, I have been feeling the need to start a blog since i am officially a stay at home Mommy! We will see how it goes!

Here's an update on my life at the moment...Addy just turned two months today, and time has totally flown by these last two months. I am finally learning how to live with my new life as a Mom, and i am loving it. There are hard days when i feel like all i need is some adult conversation before i go crazy, but i see Addy smile at me and my heart is filled with joy and it still makes me teary eyed sometimes. It's amazing to me that i could ever have a baby and just know what to sister always seemed to be a natural, but i secretly feared that i wouldn't be able to handle it all. I have learned that it actually does come naturally after you have a baby :)

So besides being a Mommy, i have also learned this year how to be a wife! I don't know if that came so naturally to me haha! I have learned how much work it takes just to have a household to take pride in. I owe my Mom a big thank you for being such a great example for me. I rarely saw her sitting down or hanging out, unless she was doing her bible study or she had finally collapsed from all her hard work. So thank you Mom!

Well this is a small glimpse of my life at the moment...but I have to cut it short because Addy is getting lonely :)

I'll be blogging more soon!!